I tried to recreate the background effect from this Ticketmaster redesign concept. This was the first time I've tried masking paths using boolean intersections.
<script type="text/paperscript" canvas="canvas-0020">
var raster = new Raster('/pixelbits/assets/ron-burgundy.jpg');
raster.visible = false;
var boxSize = view.size.width / 50;
raster.on('load', function() {
// Resize image to a manageable size
raster.size = new Size(50, 50);
for (var y = 0; y < raster.height; y++) {
for(var x = 0; x < raster.width; x++) {
var color = raster.getPixel(x, y);
// bounding box
var box = new Rectangle(new Point(x * boxSize, y * boxSize), new Size(boxSize, boxSize));
var pathBox = new Path.Rectangle(box);
// fill line
var lineWidth = map(color.brightness, 0, 1, boxSize/2, 1);
var line = new Rectangle(new Point(x * boxSize, y * boxSize - boxSize / 2), new Size(lineWidth, boxSize * 2));
var pathLine = new Path.Rectangle(line);
pathLine.rotate(45, new Point(x * boxSize, (y + 1) * boxSize));
// mask the rotated fill line by the bounding box using the intersection
newPath = pathBox.intersect(pathLine);
newPath.fillColor = '#84184b';
newPath.opacity = 0.5;
project.activeLayer.position = view.center;
function map(value, vMin, vMax, dMin, dMax) {
var vValue = parseFloat(value);
var vRange = vMax - vMin;
var dRange = dMax - dMin;
return (vValue - vMin) * dRange / vRange + dMin;
<canvas id="canvas-0020" height="300"></canvas>