I recreated the smoke effect I made for http://bounty.github.com with Paper.js. It is a fairly straightforward particle emitter using circles whereas the Bounty site uses a png image. The effect here isn't quite as nice, but could probably be made better with some further variable tweaking.
<script type="text/paperscript" canvas="canvas-0013">
view.element.style.backgroundColor = '#111111';
var NUM_PARTICLES = 100;
var EMITTER_X = view.size.width / 2;
var EMITTER_Y = view.size.height - view.size.height * 0.2;
var MIN_SIZE = 1.5;
var MAX_SIZE = 2.5;
var MIN_VELOCITY_Y = 0.2;
var MAX_VELOCITY_Y = 0.8;
var VELOCITY_X = 0;
var MIN_ALPHA = 0.25;
var MAX_ALPHA = 0.45;
var FADE_SPEED = 0.001;
var GROWTH_SPEED = 1.005;
var WIND_SPEED = 0.13;
var particles = [];
function SmokeParticle(x, y, visible) {
this.circle = new Shape.Circle({
center: [x, y],
radius: (Math.random()*(MAX_SIZE - MIN_SIZE)) + MIN_SIZE,
fillColor: '#333',
shadowColor: '#777',
shadowBlur: 70,
visible: visible
this.circle.fillColor.alpha = (Math.random()*(MAX_ALPHA - MIN_ALPHA)) + MIN_ALPHA;
this.velX = VELOCITY_X;
this.velY = (Math.random()*(MAX_VELOCITY_Y - MIN_VELOCITY_Y)) + MIN_VELOCITY_Y;
this.reborn = false;
this.isDead = function() {
return this.circle.fillColor.alpha === 0;
this.update = function() {
this.circle.position.x += this.velX + WIND_SPEED;
this.circle.position.y -= this.velY;
this.circle.radius *= GROWTH_SPEED;
this.circle.fillColor.alpha -= FADE_SPEED;
if (this.circle.fillColor.alpha < 0) this.circle.fillColor.alpha = 0;
cig = new Shape.Circle({
center: [EMITTER_X, EMITTER_Y+2],
radius: 2,
fillColor: '#ee6f37',
strokeColor: '#f00',
shadowColor: '#f00',
shadowBlur: 12
for (var i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++) {
var particle = new SmokeParticle(EMITTER_X, EMITTER_Y, false);
function onFrame(event) {
for (var i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++) {
p = particles[i];
if (p.isDead()) {
particles[i] = new SmokeParticle(EMITTER_X, EMITTER_Y, true);
<canvas id="canvas-0013"></canvas>